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Your ‘must read’ articles on the Gold Coast job & property market

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs on their way to the Coast for everyday Australians WITH talk of property bubbles in Sydney and Melbourne, interest has shifted once again to South East Queensland for growth and opportunity. Here’s some handy links to key developments that are driving job opportunities for every day Australian’s. $6 billion worth of projects to bring.

Gold Coast celebrates the 1000 day countdown to the biggest sporting event held in Australia this decade

Commonwealth Games 2018: 1,000-day countdown celebrated on Brisbane and Gold Coast The Games will represent a coming of age for the Coast, an unprecedented opportunity to build on our reputation, lifestyle and infrastructure and to create a lasting legacy for our fast-growing community. More HERE from the Gold Coast Bulletin article. NOON today the Minister for Education.

How tough is it to find a rental home on the Gold Coast?

Gold Coast rental shortage could get worse says REIQ – Apply NOW. Are you a prospective renter struggling to find somewhere to live? Have you seen all the real estate agent windows saying ‘Rentals Urgently Wanted’ and don’t want to imagine the waiting list for those available properties? Did you know vacancy rates under 2.5.